Thursday, August 5, 2010

My husband took my daughter to the barber because she wanted to get her hair short but it turned out terrible?

my husband took my daughter to the barber because she wanted her hair shoulder length, but my husband went to go get his haircut too so he thought he would take her their too. she's 8 and had pretty long hair. i was away at the time and trusted my husband. now her hair i above her ears and looks terrible! they also shaved some of it... what should i do?My husband took my daughter to the barber because she wanted to get her hair short but it turned out terrible?
Take her to a beauty salon where a professional can fix the cut to your liking. Good thing is, it will grow back so don't worry.My husband took my daughter to the barber because she wanted to get her hair short but it turned out terrible?
hair above the ears? that must be bad..

just let the hair grow out. she's 8, so she probably won't care too much.
are u mad ?

cuz i would be realli mad

and the person who said she dosnt care cuz shes onli 8 is wrong

i was like 8 when i got a horrible hair cutt ( long story )

and i cried for a realli realli long time i was so upset

u should go to a salon and see wat they can do about it for now

cuz its alreadi cut and theres realli nuthin u can do about it now ( =
Show your daughter how to wear headbands or small scarfs. Just have her work the pixie hair until it grows out with tiny bobby pins holding in a cute polka dotted hair band. If she doesn't want to wear a hair band, show her how to use a little gel, pomade, or hairspray by using a little spritz into her hands, rubbing them together and scrunching the ends of her hair along her forehead or pushing it to the side.鈥?/a>

This can work for a little bit until it starts to grow back.

Don't worry!! Your daughter is still feminine and wearing pretty bobby pins or colored hair clips with headbands, will reaffirm her femininity and dresses or apparel that makes her look like a lady will help as well.

Everyone gets the ';bowl'; cut sometime in their life!!!
Buy her a hat and wait for it to grow out. Never let your husband take er for a haircut again.
Let it grow, and chalk this up to experience.
just wait for it to grow back kids hair grows pretty fast
Just let it grow out, shes 8 she doesnt care that much!
After locking my husband in the garage, I would tell my daughter how wonderful her hair looks and that she is beautiful...if she is sad or upset just remind her how good it looks and tell her that if she doesn't like it not to worry, it will grow out. You could also take her to a stylist who might be able to fix the damage to make it a little more appealing=)

Oh and don't forget to let your husband back in=)
Don't ever let him take her to get her hair cut again.
I suggest you to put her extentions. It will be a little expensive but i guess its worth it. her hair will look gorgeous.
You are absolutely crazy girl! Why would your husband even want to take her to get her hair cut? I think that she should get her whole head shaved and then tell her she it is a punishment for all that she has done!