Some barber shops in Texas are closed on Sundays and Mondays, Sundays are understandable but why are barbershops closed on Mondays?Why are barber shops in Texas closed on Mondays? Is there a law that closes barbershops on Mondays?
It's not just in Texas. It's just a holdover from days long ago, just a way for them to get a 2-day weekend since they work Saturdays.Why are barber shops in Texas closed on Mondays? Is there a law that closes barbershops on Mondays?
i think its an understood rule
would your want to work on Monday? now, would you want a barber to cut your hair on Monday?
I think there all closed on Monday, or most of them that want the day off. I have never been into see a hairdresser on a Monday. Guess they need a 3 day weekend. :)