I am planning on shaving my head this summer. Ive got thick long hair, so I wanted to know if its going to take longHow long will it take for a barber to buzz my hair off?
She'll probably cut it first to a very short length, then shave off the rest, it'll probably take about 15-20 minsHow long will it take for a barber to buzz my hair off?
Less than a minute. Go to someplace where the donate the hair to children with cancer.
wow that's a crazy move you might wanna think that through
and it wouldn't take long they just have to buzz through your hair and that doesn't take any time at all.
it depends on the barber and how long he takes. and if he is into detail.
if your a girl that is just weird...
but yeah.. it will only take a few min..
and make sure u donate it...
and for some reason.. i dont think your being serious... lol
Seconds. Are you going to donate it? You should.
Why do you want to shave your hair off?
Ok Britney