Thursday, August 5, 2010

Can you catch The AIDs from an uncleaned barber's blade?

If the blade wasn't cleaned and the barber cuts you with it, what are the chances of getting HIV?Can you catch The AIDs from an uncleaned barber's blade?
AIDS and HIV viri can only sustain life outside a living organism for a few minutes. it needs a steady temp of 97-99 degrees F to live. and unlike other viri HIV doesnt spore to reproduce.Can you catch The AIDs from an uncleaned barber's blade?
If the one infected with HIV whom it was used was cut and had his body fluid in it and the very same blade touch cut another or even if it just touch open breaks on skin, there is a huge possibility that the other might also get infected.

There is a reason why hospital staff change needles and blades with every patient

and why they keep wearing gloves and other gear even if they will only touch a patients mouth.

All the virus need is a port of entry to the next host.

Body fluids are very effective transmitters that is why it is handled with special care.
The person before you would have to have HIV too and he would have to nick you and get the HIV in your blood steam. The chance is very very low, but it remains a remote possibility.