Thursday, August 5, 2010

For All the Men Out there, my barber cut my goatee! How long will it take to grow back???

I asked my barber to line my mustache but he cut my precious goatee!!!! Im soo mad! Im 16 and it was about an inch long and i've never had it cut before, but dont they say when u cut your facial hair for the first time it grows back longer and thicker? How long will it take to grow my goatee back?For All the Men Out there, my barber cut my goatee! How long will it take to grow back???
Your goatee will grow about 1/2 inch per month.For All the Men Out there, my barber cut my goatee! How long will it take to grow back???
it will take FOREVER! omg, that happened to my bro..... well, lets just say he was upset.
The face is the fastest growing area on the should grow back nice in a month....
the 12th of never
If a barber cut my goatee without my permission, it would grow back before he got out of the hospital (probably 6 weeks)
It probably wont be as soft as it was earlier...
If you're 16, what are you doing with a goatee in the first place?
shave it off , I hate to see men with facial hair
haha. it all depends on you. i have a friend who is 18 and he'll have a full beard in 3 days. for me, it takes me like 2 weeks to have anything that resembles facial hair on my face. and its not true that hair grows back thicker or longer after shaving. it just seems like it.
Well, to have about one inch of hair growth between 3 weeks (if your hair grows fast) and 4 months (if your hair grows slow) . By the way é©´How much time have passed since hair started to grow on your face? Well, that's the time you are looking for.
about a quarter inch a week
it will never grow back. kill the barber.
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